SAFE offers monthly educational seminars at no additional cost to members. Attendance at these educational seminars earns members points for annual renewal of CFDE® certification and membership renewal.
CFDE® certified members can use this opportunity to present a topic that is of interest to the general membership. Presenting earn points for re-certification of CFDE®.
SAFE’s continuing education classes are normally held on the last Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm eastern time. Sessions are conducted using
January 29, 2020–David Madden: “Cut and Paste” Cases
February 26, 2020–James Kelley: “Using Photoshop to Analyse Microscope and Scanner Photos of Questioned Documents”
March 25, 2020–Sheila Lowe: “Your Curriculum Vitae—What, Why and How”
April 29, 2020–Mike Wakshull “The testifying expert as a professional speaker”
May 27, 2020–Scott Greene: “Fabricated PDF Documents”
June 24, 2020–Claude E. Ducloux, Esq.: “Preparing and Presenting Demonstrative Evidence, and the Psychology of Persuasion, and Ethical Boundaries”
July 29, 2020–Jacqueline A. Joseph, B.A., CDE, D-BFDE: “Forming Your Opinion Beyond Form-matching”
August 26, 2020–Oladipupo MacJob, BPharm, CG, BLI: “Effects of Medications on Handwriting”