Date: January 27, 2021
Time: 4:00 p.m. Pacific Time, 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time, 00:00 GMT
Topic: Challenging the premise of comparing “like with like” in signature examination
Speaker: Dave Madden
Challenging the premise of comparing “like with like” in signature examination
Dave is a Document Examiner based in Ireland. He holds a Diploma in Forensic Graphology from the Cambridge School of Graphology and a Certificate in Questioned Handwriting and Document Examination.
He also holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Electronic Engineering from Loughborough University of Technology and a Diploma in Industrial Studies.
Dave founded Document Examination Ireland in 2012 and offers services to the legal community, companies and private individuals.
Dave has worked on over 400 questioned document cases and has submitted expert witness reports to numerous courts, tribunals and committees in Ireland.
He has given evidence in the Irish High Court, Circuit Court, Employment Appeals Tribunals and Medical Tribunals.
The bulk of his casework has been in Ireland although he has also worked on cases in the UK, USA, France, Lithuania, Russia and Iceland.
He is a member of the UK Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences and the Scientific Association of Forensic Examiners (SAFE).
Dave completed Expert Witness training relevant to the Irish legal system in 2013. He participated in the Irish Law Reform Commission Round Table on Expert Evidence in 2016. He is also a guest lecturer in Forensic Science at GMIT, Galway.